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TVGGN: Hamas and Israel - terror and genocide

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

TRAC's co-founder, Dr Rashmi Singh, has been invited to participate in an exclusive live event on the TVGGN YouTube channel, affiliated with Jornal GGN.

This live event will bring together esteemed experts in the field of International Relations. Dr Singh will be joined by Isabela Agostinelli, a PhD in International Relations and a researcher at PUC-SP, and Natália Calfat, who holds a PhD and a Master's degree in Political Science from the University of São Paulo.

The discussion will encompass various facets of Hamas, from its historical roots to contemporary demands. The panel will delve into the status of occupied territories and the concept of necropolitics in the region, seeking to understand their impact on the local population. Regional Implications will be explored, and the discussion will extend to include the potential entry of Hezbollah, its historical background, and activities within the region.

This conversation promises to be an enlightening and informative examination of crucial Middle East topics. Be sure not to miss this opportunity to tune in.

The live event will be conducted in Portuguese and is scheduled for tomorrow, October 30th, at 7:00 PM (BRT). You can watch it through this link: link


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